About The Club
The Melbourne University Liberal Club (MULC) was founded in 1925. For over 90 years it has fostered some of the foremost Liberal students in Australia, with strong representation in Australian public life.
MULC's influence has not been solely limited to activities on campus or in Parliament, with involvement of past Club Members in events of national significance including the founding of the Liberal Party of Australia.
The Club is proud of its independence from the Liberal Party and the free debate which this engenders. We place immense value on our core beliefs:
- We believe in the free market, and that free enterprise is the best creator of wealth, employment and opportunity;
- We believe that government should be small, and its scope for interference in our lives should be limited;
- We believe that the role of government is to protect the liberty of citizens to act as they wish as long as they do not infringe on the liberties of others;
- Above all, we believe in an open society of free and responsible individuals.